Mission and Vision


with SUSTAINABLE ACTIVITIES attentive to man and the environment.

With the aim of satisfying the most different needs of our customers, we are committed to providing items for home and hospitality furnishings.

Each piece of furniture produced is the result of a continuous search for new processes, optimization of the production phases and constant analysis of new materials, guided by constant attention to the well-being of people and the environment around us.

Increasingly attentive to detail and the search for new products, we believe in the continuous training of our collaborators, in the technological investment of our plants and in the implementation of the management service.


We are PEOPLE with different, UNIQUE IDENTITIES,
to be valued and appreciated for what each one can give.

We believe in good relationships, in ethical behaviours that respect others - our collaborator, our supplier, our customer - and the environment around us. We believe that only in a healthy environment, can we aim for an ever better future ...

Any human need must have above all respect for the person, both when we are the users of a service and when we must be the suppliers of that service.

We believe that the resilience that guides us towards the continuous search for a good relationship between people can lead to the creation of a team vision that transforms the SELF into US!

Because diversity is an added value that amplifies our work.

.... because there is no limit!


With these premises, the Board of Directors of GAMMA LEGNO believes that, in order togovern successfully, it is essential that the following VALUES are taken into consideration in the drafting of strategic, operational and training plans:

  • the knowledge (know-how) of the company and of all the people who work with and for the company is a fundamental and irreplaceable asset to conquer oneself and have the right to stay in the market;
  • the internal and external relationship to the company is an indispensable element for a virtuous network of information, training and involvement;
  • ethics: correct and predictable behaviour creates trust in employees, customers and suppliers (trust is also an economic value).

As a guide to achieving the set objectives, the Management undertakes to:

  • Activate, maintain and constantly improve a Quality System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard;
  • Entrust the Quality Manager with the management of the Quality System to ensure compliance with the provisions of the predefined company regulations;
  • Periodically monitor the Quality System through the preparation of internal audits, in order to assess compliance with it;
  • Ensuring that the Quality Policy is communicated (through company meetings and documentation), understood (by verifying in the meetings or during the internal audit) and applied at all levels.

GAMMA LEGNO S.R.L has determined the external and internal factors relevant to its purposes and the strategic guidelines that guide the ability to achieve the expected results for its Quality Management System. This assessment is present in the Management Review document which is updated annually or as needed due to changes in the factors analysed. This analysis leads to the consequent assessment of the risks / opportunities and the subsequent improvement plan to be undertaken.



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